04 February 2013

Give Me Some Credit

Credit seems to be the factor that makes the world turn anymore. Everything stems off of it, from homes to cars and even jobs. But what if you're young and are just starting out. How do you build up positive credit without getting in over your head?
If used correctly, store credit cards are a great tool. They help build positive credit and many offer ways to save money on purchases or get rewards for future purchases. But for your credit to benefit rather than suffer, there are a few cautionary principles you should always follow.

1) Pay off the balance immediately
    This is honestly the most important thing because the interest on store credit cards can be rather high, and the whole point of this card is to help you save money rather than spend more. So never spend more than you can afford to pay that day. Not by the end of the month or the end of the week but that day. If your paycheck hasn't come yet and you think well I'll just put it on my charge card, that's a bad idea cause you have no idea what other emergency expenses might spring up. My best practice is to actually pay off my credit card in the store as soon as I make the purchase. That's actually one of the few reasons I still have a check book. Most stores will allow you to make a payment toward your account that way. So you get the awesome savings that the credit card provides or the points that go toward your next purchase and the insanely awesome thrill of knowing that you already have it paid off and taken care of. And your credit score is boosted by your timely payments.

2) Use the coupons and rewards

Purchased at Kohl's from the clearance racks all for less than $85
thanks to coupons

    Every woman should have a Victoria's Secret card. Victoria's Secret sends rewards dollars. Most the time that's a $10 off coupon. Buy something that's right around that price point and you might only pay a few cents or if you need something else that's a great way to save on it. They also send you free panty coupons: use those! Free is great especially when its something like that because you really can't have to many. If you know you have a coupon at home, don't go shopping without it. Those percentages off can really help especially if you're in the shopping in the sale section anyway. Kohl's is great for allowing you to save on everything including the clearance sections.
(Clearance is your friend. It will still be in style next year and usually is still wearable when you buy it anyway because they start marking down mid-season. That tip was free. You're welcome.)

3) Don't feel like you have to buy
     Just because they have a sale and sent you that 30% off coupon doesn't mean you have to buy anything,. Yes those coupons are awesome, but I get them every month and if I used every one, I'd be broke. Use them when you need them, not just because you have them.

4) Pay the balance off immediately
    So important it bears repeating. This is not only true for store credit but for regular credit as well. If more people followed this principle we'd have far fewer issues. *Le sigh*

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